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Thought I would share what I use to look for mixing supplies.
There are plenty more out there but this is what I have conjured up so far:
UK based.
Discount codes:
Vapers Emporium: VAPE15 for 15% off Leisure Liquids: ALL10 for 10% off Postmodern Smoking: AAEC10 for 10% off or 15% off Ecigarettedepotpaul: AAEC for 10% off Ltecigs: LT10 for 10% off The Alchemists Cupboard: AAEC for 5% off Joose-Juice DIY: AAEC12 for 12% off ( Free Postage on orders over £40 use code - JJFP0040 ) Ecigwizard: ECR69 for 12% off Flavourart: UKV10 for 10% off Nicvape: AAEC for 10% off Juice Kitchen: AAEC10 for 10% off Alba Vapours: AAECUK for 10% off Puffin-Eliquid: AAEC for 10% off T-Juice: givemejuice for 15% off Mount Baker Vapor: aporfrombaker for 10% off VIP Vaporcig see here: Liberty Flights see here: Chefs Vapour: AAEC for 10% off Vape Escape: allabout for 10% off
Please note, any banner ads that you see at the top & bottom of the forum are placed there by our hosts, Proboards. Therefore the items advertised are not endorsed by the forum.