Post by Neil from Valley Vapes on Jan 31, 2013 20:49:08 GMT
I'll post here Neil, as it was common knowledge at the time. They threatened to take AAEC to court and threatened Chrissie, personally, with court action basically just because we welcome both positive and negative feedback of vendors here That sucks. How the hell are we supposed to get a unbiased opinion of something if you cant voice your opinion about the negatives.
Post by Neil from Valley Vapes on Jan 31, 2013 20:46:54 GMT
mine are the 3.5 and they take the 45 mm carts like Karma linked to in fact they are the ones I have in them at the moment.
Post by Neil from Valley Vapes on Jan 31, 2013 20:39:51 GMT
Oh dear have people had problems with them? pm me if you like as i have used them in the past.
Post by Neil from Valley Vapes on Jan 31, 2013 20:34:21 GMT
Post by Neil from Valley Vapes on Jan 31, 2013 20:02:19 GMT
It is bollocks implying you'll use more liquid if you have long wicks! Dont hold back mate say what you think lol.
Post by Neil from Valley Vapes on Jan 31, 2013 19:58:30 GMT
you get three heads with the nova so you can see which works best for you and then you buy spares at the same resistance or just recoil them yourself its easy.I am using one on an 100mah ego-t and I also use 1.5 ohm dct's on the same battery with no problems. You can cut the wicks shorter if you want. I personally found the 1.8 a bit harsh and the 2.4 a bit tame so i wind mine now to around 2 ohm's and it is spot on for me but its all down to personal taste.
Post by Neil from Valley Vapes on Jan 31, 2013 19:48:17 GMT
I use dct's and they are excellent for flavour. The ones I have are £5.49 delivered at the moment reduced from £8.99 and that is for the complete unit ready to fill and use. Not sure if I am allowed to put the link up though so I wont just in case. Don't want to get shouted at lol.
Post by Neil from Valley Vapes on Jan 31, 2013 16:56:26 GMT
yes totally agree buy cheap pay twice thats why I thought I would ask on here if anyone has one with a bit of life left in it until I can get one rather than buy a crap one now and a decent one in two weeks time.
Post by Neil from Valley Vapes on Jan 31, 2013 16:54:28 GMT
That is very cheap. going to have a look now.
Post by Neil from Valley Vapes on Jan 31, 2013 16:49:02 GMT
cracking price oh god why cant it be payday lol. Just out of interest how long do they last between charges? obviously I know it depends on usage.
Post by Neil from Valley Vapes on Jan 31, 2013 16:47:20 GMT
omg now thats confused me I thought the biggest that would fit were 2200 mah they look good though at that price.
Post by Neil from Valley Vapes on Jan 31, 2013 16:40:21 GMT
Amazing, so hope i can give back like this once i have lots of stuff and i am a veteran vaper. Same here mate.
Post by Neil from Valley Vapes on Jan 31, 2013 16:36:51 GMT
Oh not good then. Was talking to Feri from royal vapour at the beginning of the week as its him who tested the lt for me after I had fixed it and he advised me to go for at least a panasonic.
Post by Neil from Valley Vapes on Jan 31, 2013 16:31:41 GMT
Don't buy too cheap! You could look on ebay for lower cost but avoid Trusftfire or ultrafire. IMO. I second what Des has said From experience Doesn't sound good that mate.
Post by Neil from Valley Vapes on Jan 31, 2013 16:31:06 GMT
yes have been looking but its a minefield out there of crap batteries apparently lol read a few reviews and its scarey. Its only until payday then I can get myself a couple of good ones and a charger.