You will recover naturally from your hangover. Regarding Hay Fever, I have suffered with it since childhood, very badly, "in the past" Itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose, bad chest etc. Tried all the Antihistamines and every other Medcines and Eye Drops from GP over the years., Of course they helped, but the same probs the following year. Summer was a nightmare, even living in a City.
Many years ago I met a Homoeopath, still great friends. (Hi Mary) Who enabled me to control and almost completely eliminate Hay Fever probs. I very rarely get probs now and none I can't deal with instantly. And many years total Hay Fever Free. I live in Cumbria now, lot's of Hay, and grass being cut all the time, and very few probs. Which I put down to the following.
You need to have at hand, some Optrex or similar , to simply wash out the pollen that gets into your eyes, and at the same time, soothe your eyes, from the damage caused by rubbing/scratching them.
But most important "New Era" Homoeopathically prepared biochemic Remedy, for Hayfever and allergic rhinitis, it says on the container, cost about £3 ish from Holland and Barrett or other Health Shops.
New Era is a Homoeopathtic so no restrictions, i.e driving or use of machinery etc, no drugs.
If you are a Hay Fever sufferer, the above will help if not cure your Hay Fever, maybe one cannot cure one's allergies, but I assure you, it will help you take control of your Hay Fever.
Ref Peps, "locally produced honey" is actually just another form of Homoeopathic type cure, so to speak. So maybe Local Honey works as well as New Era. But if you live in a City, then go for "New Era" (because of the obvious lack of Bee Keepers in a City) the reason I know this product works is because it worked for me, and the many others I have given the same advice to.
I did, really suffer, from Hay Fever, but not any more. Sure it's considered a minor ailment, but a major problem if it affects you.
Hope I did not offend Peps, not intended.
BTW, I also used to smoke, but if your reading this on the AAEC Forum, so did you. But we don't anymore.