DiacetylFor those who don't know:
Diacetyl is an ingredient of some food flavourings – mostly 'buttery' or 'custardy' ones. It is dangerous to inhale diacetyl in large quantities: it can cause “popcorn lung”, which is a life threatening disease first noticed in workers at a popcorn factory.
It is harmless to eat it, so manufacturers of food flavours don't necessarily report it, although many have stopped using it because of the danger to their workers.
We don't know how dangerous it is to inhale in small quantities. It occurs naturally in tobacco, and is added to some cigarettes to improve taste and smell, so it is something we all used to live with anyway.
However, we are trying to make things better, so some people prefer to avoid diacetyl. If you want to do so, you
might also want to avoid inhaling acetyl propionyl and acetoin , because they are similar, and acetoin can cause a reaction which creates small amounts of diacetyl. (My personal opinion, for what little it is worth, is that I'd seek an alternative flavour rather than use diacetyl, but wouldn't bother overmuch about small quantities of acetyl propionyl and acetoin).
Consequently I am starting a list of flavours which are known to contain diacetyl, acetyl propionyl, or acetoin, and also of suppliers who haven't told us whether or not their products contain these things.
Note that this is a list of flavours, not of juices. I haven't attempted to contact sellers of ready-to-vape juice. If the juice you like is not advertised as being based on a flavour provided by one of the suppliers below then you could always email your supplier and ask. And of course you can email if you mix with a flavour provided by a supplier who is not listed here. If you do email them, please add a post or PM me so that we can all get wiser without us all sending them emails.
Rather unfairly, the list starts with The Perfumers Apprentice (TPA), because their web site says which flavours contain acetyl propionyl,or acetoin although some of their resellers don't.
TPATPA do not produce any flavours containing diacetyl.
The following are TPA Flavours which contain acetyl propionyl or acetoin, sometimes in very small amounts. Details can be found at
Sweet Cream
#*French Vanilla Deluxe
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Vanilla Custard
White Chocolate
*Liberty Flights products
#UK Eliquid product
Flavour ArtThe following are available from Flavour Art Italy and “contains Diacetyl and/or related diketones.”
UK suppliers such as Liberty Flights, MojuRepublic and FA UK appear to have removed them from their lists.
Barley flavor
Beer flavor
Butter flavor
Chestnut flavor
Cream whipped flavor
Croissant flavor
Milk condensed flavor
Milk flavor
Pandoro flavor
Panettone flavor
Pistacchio flavor
Yogurt flavor
HangsenHangsen states that none of their liquids contain diacetyl or acetoin
Cloud 9 VapingThey state that the following contain minute quantities of diacetyl. (No statement about acetyl propionyl,or acetoin)
Apple Pie
Nut Madness
Decadent VapoursIt is said that DV have removed all diacetyl from their products
DekangThey say “There is not diacetyl and diethylene glycol in our liquids”
Alba FlavoursLee states that “none of these Ingredients are used in the making of any flavour I stock”
Juicy EjuiceState “We do not use any flavoring ingredients that include Acetoin. Because we only create Premium e-Liquids we will never include any oil based flavorings, which can be harmful if inhaled”.
And “Diacetyl: This ingredient is used to create a buttery flavor. Diacetyl may be hazardous when inhaled over a long period of time. None of our premium e-Liquids contain this harmful ingredient.”
Vapour Art/Atmos LabsAll declared to be diactyl-free
CupCake World, LorAnn Oils, Paradise VapeNone of these have as yet replied to my email.
Well, it's Christmas, they are probably busy. And I hold no official position.
Also, in the case of CCW and LorAnn, they are basically suppliers of flavours for use in food, who do not claim any understanding of the needs or habits of e-cig users, and might quite reasonably wish to avoid saying anything to us in case it is misinterpreted or misused.
However, if Diacetyl is something that concerns you, you might prefer to avoid any of their flavours that correspond to the flavour that Diacetyl adds. That would be anything where milk or butter might be expected as part of the taste.
I believe that diactyl-free alternatives are available from other suppliers.