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Love it or hate it, it's a very popular eliquid flavour! So by popular demand are a number of Vanilla Custard Recipes extracted from our Dessert Collection Thread:
The one that I tend to follow now, from our Vape God Super-Shiny . . . it's a ' souped up ' version of PVC, although I've gone on and tweaked it a little further by splitting the Sweetener element in to 1% TPA Sweetener and 1% Vanillin Crystals.
With thanks to lairey for the inspired choice of name and for making the Romcard:
Hopefully there's a Vanilla Custard recipe to suit all tastes from our now reformatted recipe selection below, if you've one that you would like to share and can be added, please do.
The secret to any great VC brew is in the steeping, 3-4 weeks for me. So a Custardy production line is essential for keeping a good stock in!
PLEASE NOTE:- Where recipes have been converted from percentages or drops added to "xxml of your favourite base", I have assumed that the base will be as near as possible to 50/50 PG/VG, with a strength of 18mg. Some recipes have detailed the strength and make-up of the base, and where this has been quoted, the data has been added to the recipe. Underneath selected recipes is a link to a downloadable EJMU card (EJuiceMeUP - a popular Ejuice calculator which can also be used to save recipes - get it HERE) - in time I hope to be able to produce these cards for all recipes.
If you have any queries, would like to point out a link that doesn't work correctly, or would like to submit your own recipe, please contact me chykensa
Many thanks, and Happy Mixing!! Andy a.k.a. Chykensa
Capella Vanilla Custard 18% Dulche de Leche 2% French Vanilla Deluxe 4% Sweetener 1%
Tesla Invader 3, Voopoo Drag, Aegis Legend, Recurve Squonk; Ammits, Dead Rabbit RTAs, Tornado, Bravo RTA, etc.! All juice home-mixed, apart from the odd treat
Love my PVC but I've just reached the end of my last 30ml.
Was told a little while ago that "French Vanilla Deluxe" has both Acetoin & Acetyl Propionyl in (both of which are on the "ingredients to avoid" list )
What would be the best thing to use in place of the FVD?
Love my PVC but I've just reached the end of my last 30ml.
Was told a little while ago that "French Vanilla Deluxe" has both Acetoin & Acetyl Propionyl in (both of which are on the "ingredients to avoid" list )
What would be the best thing to use in place of the FVD?
That's always been known Adam, TPA are very clear about the ingredients on their site. Personally it doesn't bother me in the slightest, you can always use their standard French Vanilla, but the end result won't be half as nice. They are tiny amounts, even more minute when diluted . . . you'll probably find your Vanilla Custard itself contains both Acetoin & Acetyl Propionyl anyway.
Vanillin Crystals will help compensate as well as the standard FV, but it still won't be the same.
Love it or hate it, it's a very popular eliquid flavour! So by popular demand are a number of Vanilla Custard Recipes extracted from our Dessert Collection Thread:
The one that I tend to follow now, from our Vape God Super-Shiny . . . it's a ' souped up ' version of PVC, although I've gone on and tweaked it a little further by splitting the Sweetener element in to 1% TPA Sweetener and 1% Vanillin Crystals.
Hopefully there's a Vanilla Custard recipe to suit all tastes from our now reformatted recipe selection below, if you've one that you would like to share and can be added, please do.
The secret to any great VC brew is in the steeping, 3-4 weeks for me. So a Custardy production line is essential for keeping a good stock in!
Did a little play around with the PVC version of this and swapped the cap vanilla custard for CCW custard, my Bauway 306 dripping atties arrived this morning so thought I would test my result. My PVC has been steeped for 3 1/2 weeks My PVC ( replaced with ccw custard) has been steeping for 2 days
Results.....I can not honestly taste the difference!! now obviously the comparison isn't equal because the original PVC has been steeped properly, but I can't see the twist recipe going from nice to rancid after steeping
I know mixing our own isn't expensive but with the CCW custard you get 3 times the volume for the same price as CAP vanilla custard.
I would appreciate it if some others would give it a try, so if you have a PVC/RVC/LOVE CHILD to compare this with then your views would be very much appreciated.
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