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Aka Chillerhippie
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Last Online May 8, 2015 18:55:40 GMT
Post by ChillerVapes on Feb 5, 2013 22:21:36 GMT
After damaging the threads on my LTv2 which stopped it from making a connection to my Vivi Nova v5 I bought a vamo but I've also been using a cheap ego t to put me on until it arrives. I decided to boil wash my vivi nova over the weekend after having a few drinks and having a dirty coil. The v5 shrank and distorted with the heat although it still worked, it was knackered. I decided to buy an overpriced vision vivi nova stv from my local "Toga Wearing" ecig shop and when I got home, I thought I would try it on my old LTv2, which has just been left at the back of a drawer. I put the battery in, screwed on the vn stv, added some juice and boom! Its alive again!
I've been enjoying vaping apple pie and custard for the 1st time in about 2 Weeks at 5.2v (2.4ohm head) and so far, no burnt taste!
Just a little info about the "Toga Wearing" STV. Not only have they stuck a stupid devil logo on the metal sleeve, they have also made the sleeve non removable so I can't buy any other colours without buying another STV!
I think this practice is disgusting and product branding gone mad! I know I say I won't use them again and again but this time I mean it! I'm so annoyed I can't replace the sleeve when I paid £15 for the bloody thing!
Super Member
Aka Chillerhippie
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Last Online May 8, 2015 18:55:40 GMT
Post by ChillerVapes on Feb 5, 2013 22:43:37 GMT
Oh ffs! After writing this I've just got up and my lt fell out of my dressing gown pocket and even though it landed bottom 1st from about a foot off the ground, because the tank is glued to the metal its cracked! I'm well fked off! I'm going to take it back tomorrow and tell the guy its faulty due to a ill thought out design. I'm getting my money back too!