Post by roachieuk (aka eciggery2011) on Apr 28, 2011 11:29:03 GMT
Hi was wondering if someone could help i brought a 510 - 901 adapter.and i have some 901 cartomizers and they wont fit fully onto the adapter and wont work and ive tried 3 cartomizers now none will screw right onto the adapter.
is there a way of doing it or am i doing it right?
as it just wont screw all the way on?
Many thanks in advance
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Post by camperman on Apr 28, 2011 11:39:20 GMT
Do they screw on partially roachie ? The thing with the ecig industry is somethings just aren't standard as their isnt much quality control. What device are you trying to get them to fit on ? Have you tried a different brand of 901 attie ? If they arent making contact when you screw them down try the foil trick using a tiny ball of foil in the centre of the 901 adaptor so it touches the centre of the attie when screwed down, this method has worked for me in the past to find a mk 2 SD screwdriver fault so it's worth a shot
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Post by Clutter on Apr 28, 2011 11:40:20 GMT
I'm using one for the first time for about 10 mins on new GDPT. I screwed the 501 end a little too tight onto the PT and it didn't work. Was fine when I loosened it a tad.
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Post by Pinhead on Apr 28, 2011 11:50:27 GMT
Try screwing the adapter to the cart first and then attaching it to the battery (or vice versa if you already do it this way!). Sean
Post by roachieuk (aka eciggery2011) on Apr 28, 2011 11:54:23 GMT
Hi many thanks to all for your help it will only screw on partially and i dont have no 901 attys to try as i brought the cartomizers by mistake so instead of wasteing them i brought a 510-901 adapter.I shall the try the foil trick and see how that goes.It will screw on say about 2time then just get stuck bloody thing lol. I shall report back and see how the foil method works Many thanks to all Anymore suggestions would be much appreciated. **UPDATE** Well the foil trick didn't work i did notice something tho on the carts and box its got 302D? are these 901? these are the ones i ordered: www.misteliquid.co.uk/boge-kr808d-1-blank-cartomizers-51Im just using a reg 510 man battery
Post by Chrissie on Apr 28, 2011 12:45:29 GMT
Roachie, 808 l work on some 901 adapters but you really needed a 501 to 808 adapter. The cartos, unlike the 901 atties don't have any air holes in them.
Post by roachieuk (aka eciggery2011) on Apr 28, 2011 12:48:05 GMT
Roachie, 808 l work on some 901 adapters but you really needed a 501 to 808 adapter. The cartos, unlike the 901 atties don't have any air holes in them. Now im getting more confused lol so basically ive been sent the wrong cartos? Many thanks for your help Oh i think i get you now grrr i think in future ill stick to 501 cause i know what im doing then.lol ill have to order some 501 cartos just gutted now as ive got 5 cartos doing nothing.