received free of charge from LIQUA American Blend from Ritchy
30ml 24mg or 18mg retails at approx £9.99
I have tried the complete range of ritchy liquids and they were..well ok, a base flavour is reconcilable through the range and in my honest opinion
its becomes a bit over powering and takes away my enjoyment
ive been hunting for ages for a normal priced every day vape, something i can pick up and fill a nova or a carto with out thinking i cant waste any at this premium price
vaping el toro for a year every day i fancy a change every now and then, for me its (el toro) a 10/10 liquid, light enough to vape all day and strong enough to hit the spot
today i popped along to see ecigs4life, my local friendly vape place, great lads who run a caring business who cater for the newbie and the veteran
we discussed the normal, weather, provaris, 18350 mods and how the wolves won a game of football
then for me a moment happened that will most likely change my vaping experience for ever
Paul and his brother Aid had a delivery and opened it to put up for sale, Have you tried this mate its the new ritchy liquid? no was my reply, it is supposed to be the bollocks
so we opened a bottle up found an attie and tried it out
it was perfect, surely it was a mistake, no base flavour over powering the general vape, no chemical or over perfumed taste, a light thinner liquid in a well presented bottle that actually tastes as good as any premium liquid that i have tried in over 2 years of wasting money on the best juice i you will ever try
i cant describe the taste apart from its a lighter tabacco compared with most over egged juices i have tried, it hits with flavour and throat hit and plumes of vapour on every draw
so now it home ive tried it on a rda, a nova and a speriod and just for fun i dripped it on a 306lr, tried them all on a provari and a gus22 and even chucked it on an old ego battery
now i wont say this is the best liquid ever as i tend to go off a few after half an hour or so when the novelty wear off
i will say that this is a damn fine liquid and as good as any i have tried and i cant see it being a flash in the pan
it is now in my eyes a 10/10 liquid
now i know i had this free of charge, i offered to pay but wa told no mate have it and see how you get on
if i had paid i would honestly say its the best £10 i had ever sent vape wise and coming from me thats pretty high praise indeed
its not on there site yet as its a new item but i will be soon and i can honestly say between el toro and this i have found my brands
these im pretty sure are the best liquids for my pallet
i know that taste is subject and one mans cup of tea is another poison but i urge you to try this its imo the perfect vape of tobacco lovers