I'm posting this on behalf of
the M.O.V.E campaign:
A Guide to collecting emails for M.O.V.E
As you may know, the MOVE project is in the process of collecting the email addresses of medical
professionals for the purposes of creating a central database of contacts for them to be able to ask for
support. The MOVE project needs your help to collect as many email addresses as possible in order to
have a greater success rate. There are a few ways in which you can help...
Firstly, if you do a simple google search of GP practices in your area, for example: Let's say you live in
Southampton... if you do a google search for "Gp practices Southampton", you should receive a list of
Gp practices in your area... if you then click on one of those results, let's say for example; "Central
Southampton Practice", you should be able to find out the names of the GP's that work from that
practice. If you're lucky, their email addresses will be listed, if not then the most likely email address
would be their first and last name followed by "@nhs.co.uk", so for example... if there was a GP called
John Smith at that practice, then the likelihood is that their email would be "john.smith@nhs.co.uk", this
is not guaranteed but we've found that this is the most likely way that the NHS use email addresses, so
it's worth a shot..... Just as a side note, the following areas have already been covered, so we no longer
need information from these:
Gp's practices: Cornwall has been done.
Another useful source of emails are universities.... a google search of universities would bring up their
website, you would then need to search for their medical 'faculty', this would most likely be listed on the
left-hand side of the home page, either under 'Faculties' or perhaps under 'Departments', or maybe
even 'Subjects'..... you need to find the Medical 'Faculty'. There may be email addresses listed there, if
you can't find individual email addresses, then just use the same system as for GP practices and
substitute the first and last names and use the second part of the email that you will find somewhere on
the site. Again, this may not work.... but there's a good chance that it might too! It all helps to build the
MOVE database... if you are making an 'educated' guess on email addresses though, it would be useful if
you could let us know, that way we can try and narrow things down a bit more and give that 'educated'
guess even more of a chance of being correct. As with Gp's practices, the following areas have already
been covered so we don't need info from them:
Universities: Nottingham.. Exeter.. Bristol.. Durham.. Sheffield.. Hull.. York.. Leicester & Warwick have
been done.
Another helpful way of spreading the word to medical professionals is through Facebook and Twitter.
MOVE have created a twitter account @moveint, so instead of emailing you could contact through
either Facebook or Twitter, sending the MOVE link and asking for their support. You could search
Facebook for Medical institutions or groups etc, and post the MOVE link onto their wall asking for
support.... similarly with Twitter, you could tweet to medical organisations asking for their support,
including the MOVE link. All of this will spread the MOVE message and get the interest of the medical
Finally, another way to get information is to search the 'Pubmed' website. This is a site that publishes
medical information. If you do a search on the site for "Cardiovascular" or "Respiratory" or anything
'smoking' related or anything to do with the heart or lungs, you will find articles that include the Author
at the top. If you click the 'Plus' sign next to where it says "Author" you should get the name and email
address of the medical professional that published the article. This is another good way of grabbing
email addresses...
To be of the best possible help to the people at MOVE HQ, if you could send your emails to us clearly
stating where the information came from, it would help us greatly in sorting through the hundreds of
emails that we will be receiving each day. The simplest and easiest way to send your emails would be in
the following format: Here's an example....
Name: Professor john Smith Email: john.smith@nhs.co.uk Speciality: Respiratory Surgeon
Guessed: Yes (this last part tells us whether you have 'guessed' the email address(Yes), or if you copied it
directly from a website(No) ). That's it... that's all the information we need, simple isn't it?
All of this information will be added to the growing number of contacts that MOVE has already
collected. We need thousands of contacts, so the more people that get involved in this, the less work
each individual needs to do. Together we can create a massive database of medical professionals that
the MOVE project can contact and ask for support. We all need to work together to make this as much
of a success as it can be.
Send your completed emails to: moveinput@gmail.com
Let's M.O.V.E!