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Two actions you can take to help keep vaping working (and free from excessive regulation):
1. The Public Health England e-cigarettes evidence update came out this week and got A LOT of media attention - it was widely reported that e-cigarettes are 95% safer than combusted cigarettes (YAY!) Send the Public Health England report to your MP (Write to Them makes this easy) and anyone else who needs convincing. Point them to the executive summary on pages 7-13 so they don't think they are being asked to read the whole thing. 2. No worries if you haven’t responded to the Department of Health Tobacco Products Directive Consultation and the Welsh government consultation on the Public Health (Wales) Act - you still have time. Misteliquid have a very informative blog post with links to the TPD consultation and to the Vapers in Power walkthrough: eCig Directory UK have an excellent page too –it also includes links to the Welsh consultation and the ViP walkthrough for Wales:Government TPD Consultation - eCig Directory UK
Please note, any banner ads that you see at the top & bottom of the forum are placed there by our hosts, Proboards. Therefore the items advertised are not endorsed by the forum.