Price reduced from £45 to £40.
As some of you may know, I’m emigrating shortly and I’ve been selling some of my vape gear before I go.
As my time is nearly up, I thought I’d group a lot of items that have remained unsold, and a few new ones, to see if I can do a final clear out.
I’m looking to sell everything in one go, so if you’ve got a spare
£45 £40, you can have the lot.
Here goes…
A ProVari V2, used. Takes 18500 batteries. Comes with 18650 extension cap, which works fine although it’s quite scratched. Works very well.
To complement the ProVari, a KSD Vari. Completely unused. The parts are all interchangeable with the ProVari, as far as I can tell, although it has an 18650 bottom cap only.
Obviously, a clone of the ProVari.
A Phimis wooden box mod, unused. Comes with a spare connection pin. Takes a single 18650 battery and goes up to 50 watts.
A Kangside Luxury Box, used. Caged box mod that goes up to 35w. The chip inside is a YiHi sx330t, so pretty good electronics.
Unity RDA, unused. Comes in original box and with spares.
Haze Dripper Tank RDA clone, unused. Comes in original box with spares.
Doge V3 RDA, unused. Comes with spares, including spare post and screws.
Haze RDA V1, unused original (not a clone). Comes with spares, including domed top cap and presentation bag.
One Flash E-Vapor V3, clone, unused. Comes with three spare glass tanks and a spare base.
Three Flash E-Vapor v2 clones, unused. Each comes with a bag of spare parts.
Finally, I’ll add in 55ml (1x30ml, 1x25ml) of Twelve Monkeys, Bonogurt, 6mg and 55ml (1x30ml, 1x25ml) of Twelve Monkeys, Macaraz, 0mg.
I'd like to sell everything in one go, but if that’s not possible then feel free to make me an offer. It’s all got to go, or it goes in the loft in case I ever return.
PM me if your interested. Payment by F&F, please. Postage included in the price.