Hello to all at AAE-C. I found the site on Friday searching for new Cartomiser parts for my E-Cig. Have been smoking real
cigs, cigars and pipes for 40+years, probably average of 30+ a day & have stopped a few times, all by Cold Turkey. The most
recent bout being 2 years in March this year, was in Benidorm for 40th Wedding Anniversary & had a try at a "Mod"(?) by
memory and liked it, though that was that till 6 weeks ago. Thought I would have no problems finding the make of the E-Cig
on the Web, that is why I spent 3 days reading all relevant Beginner Threads hoping to find the make in the various models
you have pictures of etc. Watched quite a few How-To you-tube vids, that part of dismantle/rebuild is fine as I am from a
Technical Background so I would be fine. The first e-cig I tried was a "Blu"300 puff £6.00p disposable but it got dismantled
for future info, that brings me to the questions about the Disposable E-Cigs that I have been using for the past 6 weeks:-
1) They were called ezi-cig, manufactured in China & Imported to UK by(will name if OK by Admin.).They were in a blister
pack with 510 battery,60mm long.+ 10 Cartomiser Refills, that had a separate attachment element with a tri-angle metal
piece with a grey metallic coating which then pierced the foil of "D"shaped plastic insert, this popped on to cartomiser &
had thread to connect to 510 battery to make whole e-cig. They came in 2 strengths, High & Medium. They were sourced
from a"Poundshop" & cost £1.00p per pack, some packs actually had the e-cig+charger(USB)+10 refills or just 10 refills
both only a pound. Oh they were 105 puffs per catridge, were a bit hit & miss, though at a sixth of initial cost of Blu-cig
I found that 2 of them equalled the same puff number of weaker Blu-cig.
2) I now have 8-510 batteries & 10 empty cartomisers. I have just re-fill 6 drops of 24mg/pg tobacco juice in one refill &
hey presto it is working great guns, it will do for when my new kit needs charged.
3) Went yesterday an got basic starter kit locally for £13.00p, which comprised of 1no.Infinity Tank,1.6ml capacity + 1no
650mAh battery good for 300 charges.+3no.x 10ml juice re-fills. I am happy with this in the meantime & will buy 1no
spare battery in a few days. Any idea approx. cost of the battery alone ?.
Well that will do for now, thanks in advance.