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Today i decided to have it put on my records that i use an E-Cig.I got one of those 'please up-date your Smoking status' letters with all the blurb of 'we can help you quit' etc etc.
The receptionist said 'oooh,were did you get that' ? I burst out laughing and said 'here,there and everywhere' Not sure if there was an option to say i'm using one but i made it clear i wanted that on my records and that i've been using it for 2 years.
I'll be seeing my Dr sometime soon and plan on telling him about my e cig to see what he says. Are we non smokers? I'm still a bit confused about that.
I know there's someone on ECF using the NHS Quit Smoking programme and using one (are you a member here? ). Lee your not the only one it confuses. I didn't ask what my records would say.
I am a member on ECF but it's so hard to navigate, I mainly go on to drool over the GG forum. I'll be asking my doctor if he considers me a smoker still. And asking his views on e cigs.
It is HUGE, there's so much info there. That's my only problem with it, plus the UK forum is pretty slow as I suppose most UK members have their preferred UK forums too.
I switched a while before my Doctor retired, she was over the moon that 'I'd finally given up smoking' so my practice classes me as a none smoker! This could open up a whole new ball game LOL
My doctor was curious, interested, wanted to know more etc. but clearly was a bit suspicious as to how/whether vaping was safe. I even gave him a demo of my Riva in his surgery.
I think it is so new, they really don't know what to say about it. And like most things, I suppose time is going to be a factor, as well as all of the legal aspects that may get in the way - or not!
Told my doctor first appointment after I started vaping. He didn't say a thing, then again I am currently on 6 different medications and none of my ailments are smoking related at all - so he's kinda focussed on getting those under control.
My Doctor says I quit smoking on February 11th 2011. When I told her I was using an E-cig, she said she didn't care, and that I would be less likely to go back to smoking and that she would take it anyway she could get it! I guessed it looks good to have ex-smokers on the records, being a cynic BUT according to my GP, I am an ex-smoker! Whoop Whoop
I've rheumatoid arthritis pretty bad (I'm talking 7 tablets an 2 injections a week Bad) and my rheumtologist is always on my back to stop smoking saying i don't meet the rite criteria for certain drugs that could really help me if I smoke, so tomorrow I have my monthly check up I'm gonna surprise her and tell her I quit, she won't believe me coz shes been askin every time I go for the past 2 years lol, I can't wait to hear what her views are on vaping
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