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Ordered my new Sigelei z max telescopic on Thursday night and its arrived this morning from Smoke Cloud great service I must say
had it with 2 batteries and a charger but now I need a tank suitable for this as you see mine don't do it justice so what do u recommend something with a rebuildable system short and stocky I would think but that's just me pictured is my evolution to this beauty.
I think the oddy and Ithaka are res/no res wire and might be a bit of a pita maybe? The RSST is a nice easy first rebuildable and if you can wait two weeks as fiddles link is cheap as chips, you'll need some mesh and wire though.
I promise you though if you save up for the kayfun lite you'll thank yourself every time you use it, they are absolutely fantastic atomisers, honestly.
All of the suggestions would sit nice on your zmax though
There's a small gap and the mod is very slightly wider than the atty, but otherwise (in terms of the lines and the finish) they're pretty much a perfect match.
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