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While our Facebook 'Like' competition is still going on, we thought we may as well do another give-away, which hopefully will be perceived positively by those who do not have Facebook
What we have:
We have a shiny new Black iTaste AIO that is looking for a new home (fully boxed up and original packaging)
How to take part:
All you need to do is register on our website (no purchase necessary) with your address / post code. Register on the homepage top right corner by clicking the 'MY ACCOUNT' link.
Ends: Wed. 23rd October 2013 @ 5pm (we will take a database extract at this time) Like this the winner should hopefully have the AIO by Friday.
How it works:
We will use doogal -> PostcodeGenerator to generate a random post code. Whoever is closest wins. Please note, our wizz kit came up with some sophisticated set of queries to make this work. The person closest as per our tool wins (we have tested it and it appears to be quiet accurate).
Good luck everyone, hope the non-Facebook members like this one a little better
Terms & Conditions:
Anyone can take part (winner may therefore not be from this forum)
In case there are multiple entrants with the same distance (quiet unlikely really), the one registered earliest wins.
Winners First Name & First Character of Surname will be posted here upon winner having been found.
We will only ship to the registered address
We only ship to mainland UK
Postage & Packaging is at no cost to you
Postage is via 1st class
Your information will not be passed on or sold to any 3rd party
"The relevant question is not, 'Are these things safe?'" he said. "But are these things much safer than real cigarettes, and do they help people quit smoking? The answer to both of those questions we know is yes."
Really so the competition is only open to mainland UK customers so u dont want any customers from Ireland North or South...........?
Hi vapman,
We are really sorry about this, but it has taken us quiet a while to get the application working with uk mainland postcodes to automatically calculate the distances, and it limited to only those (we have more than a million postcodes in there). We are very sorry that this technical limitation rules out the anyone from non mainland uk locations. We will try to include everyone next time.
We hope you understand that this is purely due to technical limitations
We have now generated a random post code which is: SA17 4RD
We have emailed the winner who was under 82 miles away, and are just waiting to confirm whether (s)he will accept the iTaste AIO. Once confirmed we will announce who the lucky winner is.
Please note, any banner ads that you see at the top & bottom of the forum are placed there by our hosts, Proboards. Therefore the items advertised are not endorsed by the forum.