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Post by magicma on May 21, 2010 12:36:02 GMT
An Art Society friend yesterday said she had seen a electronic cig in the Betaware (spelling?) catalogue for 19.99 complete. Does anyone know anything about this please?
I have given her all our info etc previously but she thinks this looks a good deal (it's for her son).
Cheers all ??? MM
Post by Chrissie on May 21, 2010 14:33:00 GMT
Ooh I've just found it MM in their online catalogue : starters, it says it contains no nicotine so it won't help anyone deal with nicotine withdrawal. I'm presuming it's a 2 piece as they don't have any atomisers for sale.Their replacement "cartridges" are £9.99 for 10. Should also add that they don't sell replacement batteries, so unless anyone can find compatible ones, it's a waste of money IMHO. Plus as you only get one battery with it - what the heck do you do while waiting for that battery to recharge?
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Post by magicma on May 21, 2010 17:47:24 GMT
Ah! thanks Chrissie, I was spelling 'Betterware' incorrectly. I thought there had to be something wrong with it. Strange, no replacement batteries. Thanks very much for finding it for me, I'll have really good look later. MM Also, it says 'refill' cartridges not refillABLE, so I guess you throw them away as well? MM
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Post by jimmybat on May 21, 2010 17:59:30 GMT
very similar if not the same to the one I seen in one of the women's magazines no nic almost disposable but not quite. disposables £5 each MM please let me know what price you looking to pay for a cig I can possibly do a 510 for £30 ... sory for spaming James
Post by Chrissie on May 21, 2010 21:13:25 GMT
MM, I would be surprised if the cartridges aren't refillable - looks to me like Batterware haven't got a clue about them. I'm still not certain which model it is cos looking at the pic, the silver band may be where an atomiser screws on. However, if it is, then once again it is useless unless we can find out which attie it takes. James, from googling, it looks like the "genius" e-cig has been advertised in several newspapers as well : dread to think how many people may have bought it & ended up with a very bad impression of e-cigs due to it being as useful as a chocolate tea pot MM, please try to discourage your friend from buying it if you can do so.
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Post by lynwlt on May 21, 2010 21:27:32 GMT
It looks very similar to my first e-cig which was from Mirage... I wonder if they are trying to avoid the ban by selling non-nic e-cigs? I imagine that will prove futile.. bah, humbug, rude words.... Lynda
Post by Chrissie on May 21, 2010 21:32:55 GMT
Yes, I think they are most likely trying to get round the proposed ban by selling no-nic e-cigs.
Post by foxy9212 on May 21, 2010 22:18:56 GMT
If there's to be no complete ban on the hardware then no nic juices would be very helpful as one could always use patches (providing the side effects are not too bad as they were for me). If the juice had a 'hit' such as with clove or menthol, then the brain could be 'fooled' by the vapour in the same way as it is now, with the patches giving the satisfaction. There have been many arguments posed regarding the 'harm' the use of hardware can cause, ie/propylene glycol being 'antifreeze,' that have been pretty much discredited now.
I understand the concerns expressed about the safety aspects of the hardware but there are rules and regs in place to safeguard us all in the same way as there are for everything else we manufacture/import, so I still need to see a good reason for the banning of hardware.
Juice should of course be regulated but it is already from what I've read of Trading Standards clamping down on miscreants and, conversely, clearing as safe many suppliers' stock.
Our biggest problem to date has been the lack of information to the public, deliberate or otherwise, regarding the e-cig. The wide variation in prices is also very confusing to 'newbies;' for example, I recently obtained a perfectly sound 510 starter kit containing three batteries and two atomizers, plus all the usual extras for just £26, plus reasonable postage, less 5% discount with code. Other available kits consisting of the usual two batteries and one atomizer can cost anything up to £40, with no discernable difference in quality. There are also the inevitable rip-off products that offer 'free' trials etc., and we here all know about those do we not?
Forums such as Totally Wicked, Liberty Flights and independent ones like 'allabout' go a long way to spreading the word as do the various Facebook groups but, sadly, it's not enough to influence the powers that be. I don't know what else we can do other than to keep pressing anyone who'll listen.
Waffle over!
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Post by magicma on May 22, 2010 9:27:12 GMT
Chrissie #4. Thanks for info. I will try to discourage my friend - but sometimes I think people don't want to hear!!
This board is loading very slow for me this morning - nothing to do with the name change is it?!!! I'll come back later. MM
Post by Chrissie on May 22, 2010 12:11:37 GMT
No MM, it's nothing to do with the name change as it's not just this board. BTW does the name change make sense to folks?
Other proboards have reported the slow loading. The following is a reply from PB support admin :
I/we were only made aware of this around an hour ago. The server technician is in bed right now, but i am doing whta i can to speed things up. When he gets online, he will look into the server and fix the problem.
In the meantime, apologies for the inconvenience.
Try telling your friend that she would have to buy at least 2 of them straight away as well as some nicotine juice, for them to be any use at all.
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Post by lolli on May 22, 2010 16:02:12 GMT
Agrees with Foxy
Waves to everyone
Chrissie sent you PM xx
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Post by Scylla on May 22, 2010 20:39:15 GMT
No MM, it's nothing to do with the name change as it's not just this board. BTW does the name change make sense to folks? The board was crawling for me earlier, it's much better now. As for the name change, I often thought that we could do with fewer "General" categories and I think that "Our main board - enter here" must be very helpful to newbies... I LIKE IT Chrissie's mind is always ticking over, looking for improvements scylla
Post by Chrissie on May 22, 2010 20:56:08 GMT
Thanks Scylla, i did worry though in case it sounded daft to the non newbies Lolli, sorry i wasn't about earlier, I've replied to your PM Thank goodness that Proboards seem to have sorted out heir problem with their server & we are now up & running again
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Post by magicma on May 23, 2010 10:47:35 GMT
Hi Chrissie, I think it is a good change too - I often clicked on the wrong 'general' But then I'm daft!! MM
Post by Chrissie on May 23, 2010 11:56:20 GMT
Thanks MM & no you aren't daft