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I realise now I should have introduced myself properly rather than jumping in with a problem with my mini i-stick so......
I am TJ and I have been vaping for a few months, I love all things sparkly and PINK so Fasttech and all their colorful stuff is a veritable goldmine/grown up only sweetie shop for me but I have resisted ordering the entire store and limited myself to the essentials
I smoked for errrm 36yrs the last 10 of which was 25-30 a day rollies.
I am from sunny Hertfordshire and I live with my amazing teenage daughter and three rather fluffy four leggeds up the road.
Yes I have ponies, no I am not rich, we live on credit cards and overdrafts and our entire lives are based around the fluffies they have far more clothes than me and whilst they eat the finest hay and supplements, I heat up some more beans on toast - LOL! To be honest I and now my daughter have never known any different as as soon as I got out and earnt a crust myself I bought my first horse and as soon as the kid could hold her own head up she was chucked up on a pony.x
Anyway that's it, thank you for welcoming me already and you lot are 'well cool' as far as I am concerned
I realise now I should have introduced myself properly rather than jumping in with a problem with my mini i-stick so......
I am TJ and I have been vaping for a few months, I love all things sparkly and PINK so Fasttech and all their colorful stuff is a veritable goldmine/grown up only sweetie shop for me but I have resisted ordering the entire store and limited myself to the essentials
I smoked for errrm 36yrs the last 10 of which was 25-30 a day rollies.
I am from sunny Hertfordshire and I live with my amazing teenage daughter and three rather fluffy four leggeds up the road.
Yes I have ponies, no I am not rich, we live on credit cards and overdrafts and our entire lives are based around the fluffies they have far more clothes than me and whilst they eat the finest hay and supplements, I heat up some more beans on toast - LOL! To be honest I and now my daughter have never known any different as as soon as I got out and earnt a crust myself I bought my first horse and as soon as the kid could hold her own head up she was chucked up on a pony.x
Anyway that's it, thank you for welcoming me already and you lot are 'well cool' as far as I am concerned
Please note, any banner ads that you see at the top & bottom of the forum are placed there by our hosts, Proboards. Therefore the items advertised are not endorsed by the forum.