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There also emptyin the atm's by me, went to 4 in my local and were all empty. fifth had a dozen waiting. Obviously worried the internet's going to fail at some point and theyll lose there giros.
Many, many thanks to Richard46 for helping me own an original xvostick (my favourite mod, been after 1 for years). A credit to the forum and an all round decent human being. Thanks again mate.
Might take a while have just cancelled order cos I forgot there was a discount due on Thursday so will try to reorder then BTW could not find any smoant knights while I was looking either so they must be like hens teeth too
Cheers phtumshk was looking for the one with removable battery but they must be really old fashioned lol. Have ordered 2 one to use while the other is charging
I havent seen that version for a while either.
Youll be suprised how dinky they are, heres 1 next to a similar mod with removeable battery.
If they turn up and they arent what you expected give me a pm and Ill take em off ya.
Took this wee combo out to try for the first time today on my way to the football.
Funky colours but it a nice wee mod tbh. Got my Vapefly Gallaxies mtl squonk rdta on top.
For the price its alright I suppose. The door has a bit of movement on it and the bottle is far too soft with the metal rod inside it. I much prefer the way my Hotcig rsq's with a Modmaker bottle in them squonk tbh.
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