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What I would do amd is saturate the wick before putting in the tank from the two side holes until they stop absorbing the liquid (you may find it easier to get a cap that the coil would fit in, put it upside down and fill with liquid until just over the two wick holes on the sides and leave for ten minutes) then put it in the tank and start sucking (1second on 1 off a few times do this untill air bubbles stop comimg from the wick holes) without firing the mod this will make sure the wick is completely saturated, then vape as normal:)
No offence gm111, but that is far too much faffing around for occ's. All you need to do is drip 5-6 drops in the top (I put a drop on each side at the holes too, but you don't need to), and by the time you get the tank back together, it's good to go. This is how I do my OH's subtanks all the time. Only get a bad vape if I messed up the re-coil (which does happen occasionally). Even the manufactured ones can be wrongly coiled/wicked.
Mine only leaks when I overfill it, I'd try to keep a good distance from the inner chimney top
That shouldn't make any difference at all, I always fill my subtanks to the max. Mine very very rarely leak, I can't remember the last time it did. In my experience if they do leak then either there is a problem with one of the 4 orings/ glass damaged allowing air in or the wick is no set up correctly.
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