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Post by davetherayon on Sept 13, 2015 14:48:09 GMT
Creation, day 1. "Ok, you are going to be bees. You'll have one sting to defend yourself, and if you use it, you'll die bleeding." "Aye sir" "Aye sir" "Aye sir" "**** that!" "You! The last one! You're going to be a wasp."
Post by davetherayon on Sept 13, 2015 14:29:22 GMT
They're Chinese bees, carrying tiny tiny ecig parts to England to be put together in Heathrow. How else can the speed of Fasttech deliveries be explained?
A section devoted to those pics and stories from around the world (i.e. the internet) of awful builds, caused by people finagling things vaping incorrectly. Today : coiling goodness! Marvel at the coil size and positioning and the wicking skills. Courtesy of reddit :
One of the early concerns expressed about the HCigar DNA40 (I have two of those) was the earthing on them. Possibly due to being aluminium construction. It soon faded away. It'll be interesting to see first adopters of the HCigar DNA200's impressions; if the build quality is like the DNA40 I'll be in the queue for sloppy seconds.
What a community we have here Folk passing devices onto others who need them, and recipients declining offers they don't need. Greed is locked in a closet banging on the door furiously but it can't get out
Money laundering regulations by the sound of it. Of course real money laundering isn't done through Paypal. The number of houses bought up in London by shady shell companies then flipped to release the cash is a far bigger source of it "allegedly" (for the legals out there). Coming down on shiny-happy vapers is a bit extreme!
Did you give them some rayon Glad you helped point them in right direction, well soon have them selling body parts to fund FT orders.
Funny you should say that We talked about attys and I was recommending Kayfuns (Kayfune plural?), the Erikonigen, and a dripper, the last to try out new juices on. Using rayon to get a quick transition from one juice to another. Lo and behold the sites we landed on were this august forum, several juice companies I like, and... Fasttech
Bro and sis (not in law, they're cohabiting) came to see me today after she facebooked about having got into ecigs, but being confused by all the nitty gritty. So they came here to day to see my 60 or so concentrate bottles (lol) and get a fast track course on how to mix, pick attys and mods, and even a bit of wicking and coiling. They arrived with their egos and ce4s, standard fare from the local b&m. After an intro to mixology, they're both soundly into the idea of making your own. Brother is now getting an Innokin, kind of like the istick. It seems decent enough. They've gone home with several home made juices, custardy/fruity sorts, and will shortly be joining this erudite community as new members. Be nice to em, they're newbies.
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