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I have a chrome one and have not stopped using it since I got it,love it it is a bit big though,but doubles as a great self defense weapon when out and about lol EspEcially wiTh an aga t on the end it's heavy. Loving vw and looking forward to getting a sigelei zMax
Got mine from esmokeireland, chrome buttons remembers the wattage after turn off and battery change but the spring was awful had to change it as wasn't working properly hmmmm wonder if it's v2. What's the 6 wat bug?
Yes change your spring, I used one from a small torch from poundland and have had no issues since I fitted it in. It was doing my head in... And now it's finally performing and working like it should. The springs it comes with are terrible!
Solved the issues with mine from going through batteries like no tomorrow and powering off and on with any slightest movement. Used a spring from a torch from poundland and have no problems with it now batteries lasting much longer and no powering off and on all the time.
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