I first tried Vaping a few months back and "quit", went back to roll-ups, then patches, gum and back to rollups. 1st Jan I decided to try again.
I bought a Innokin V3 which has some variable settings, which in my mind meant I had a better chance of getting what I needed without by another "ecig".
The first reason for stopping vaping was it
is too complicated, even in this thread there are abbreviations like RBA - which I havent heard of before, there are too many unknown companies too. A website can be an individual or a company and while some will tell you PG/VG ratios, some will not.
While some people insist Juices need to be left for a week before opened, Ive not seen many sites tell me this before I buy.
Most importantly, and rather ironically considering I smoked rolling tobacco, there is no real "ingredients" listed, even if you are told the PG/VG ratio.
I dearly wanted to find a Tesco etc that made their own version and still find it a little strange the Nicorette arent out there making juices and ecigs.
Im back on to vapes because Im due in hospital to have a benign tumour removed and yesterday went for my pre-op assessment, the nurse
and then the Consultant couldnt tell me anything about vaping, nothing good nor bad. The consultant is not even sure if I can vape the day before/of my operation (Im getting a General Anesthetic). The fact she hadnt heard of any "disasters" suggested to her "it would probably be fine". wtf?!!
It really is quite unnerving and at the end of the day it still seems you have no idea what your buying, even if someone is telling you what it is, this industry desperately needs a regulator, before it gets abused, if its not all ready. I have a slight suspicion the tobacco companies will be doing everything they can to keep it like a Wild West, the few people I know in real life who now vape or tried it and went back to smokes, admit the same concerns, its just there is a general believe you cant trust the tobacco companies anyway and we bought their stuff for decades.
I have tried looking for it, but there was an article a few month ago in the FT, about tobacco companies buying ecigs companies, the writer was suggesting what they are really doing is trying to surpress the competition as soon as a market leader emerges, rather than move into the market itself.
Im enjoying my vaping to a degree, took time off work this time I stopped smoking and although its been hellish its not been as bad as anything else Ive ever tried, could probably even just took a day or two off instead. Maybe the nicest thing so far is being able to keep the windows pretty much closed the whole evening, certainly the cat appreciates it