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Post by grizwald56 on Nov 26, 2011 9:56:21 GMT
If you have an aquarium near you then see if they have any "FLUVAL U4" foam as that is the exact same grade as the blue foam. you will of course have to cut it to size, but will end up with well over a years supply of cart foam. I bought some last year from my local garden centre from the aquatics department and only paid £3.50.
You should of course give it a good boiling for at least half an hour as all aquarium foams are coated with a water polishing agent. You'll know when it's ready for use as it turns a brilliant white.
If you pre-cut it to size first it will make the boiling process quicker.
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Post by grizwald56 on Nov 24, 2011 9:36:57 GMT
Using Boge carto's myself I know that they hold 1ml (30 drops) of liquid, so when I fill a carto for the first time I fill from the top using the drop by drop method.
This way I know that once I've dripped 30 drops in there, give or take a drop or two, I know it's full and I just need to set it aside for an hour to soak right through before using it.
I have found though that sometimes the filler can be a little tightly packed and I find myself using my Griz Whiz to spin the juice down into the bottom of the cart, slow spin of course.
There are no right or wrong ways of filling your carto's as long as you know that they are full, I just find my method the least messy.
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Post by grizwald56 on Nov 21, 2011 11:19:56 GMT
I would add 5% as part of the whole 20ml finished liquid and add more as required.
If you are going to use VG as a dilutent then I would suggest you read my guide to mixing, there you'll find a section on using PG and VG which will help you as far as thinning your VG prior to use.
I find Health Cabin flavourings to be a little weak in most cases, but a 5% start point would still be a good idea, as I stated earlier you can always add more flavouring, but you can't take it away.
As far as your B&H juice goes it would be trial and error there I'm afraid as to what tobacco flavouring would taste OK to you.
Having said that though you might want to try some of the FlavourArt tobacco concentrates, available from Liberty Flights, but be very careful using these as they are extremely concentrated and you may find that 1 or 2 drops added to 30ml of your B&H juice would be more than adequate. Again I cover the use of FlavourArt tobacco concentrates in my mixing guides.
Good luck.
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Post by grizwald56 on Nov 21, 2011 10:03:10 GMT
Just to add, as far as adding extra flavouring goes that is really down to your own preffered taste.
Not all flavourings are equal, for example if you were wanting to add say Caramel then the ammount of flavouring you would use would depend on who you purchase your Caramel from, some are far more concentrated than others.
As I don't know what flavouring you are going to use I would suggest starting with 5% and adding more if necessary.
You can always add more but you can't take it away.
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Post by grizwald56 on Nov 21, 2011 9:57:20 GMT
As your diluting your original 36mg liquid whatever is contained within it is already taken into account to make up a 36mg finished liquid so theres no need to worry about percentages of flavouring(s), PG/VG or water that is already present.
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Post by grizwald56 on Nov 21, 2011 9:35:15 GMT
If you start off with 36mg and wish to reduce it to 18mg then you would need to dilute with equal parts of VG or PG, i.e. 10ml 36mg + 10ml PG/VG.
As for adding any flavouring you would need to subtract the percentage of the flavouring you add from the PG/VG you use to dilute your original mix.....
........ so let's say your going to add 10% of flavouring then you would use 10ml of your 36mg + 8ml of PG/VG + 2ml flavouring = 20ml finished juice.
You don't need to take into account the flavouring present in your 36mg juice.
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Post by grizwald56 on Nov 16, 2011 6:53:31 GMT
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Post by grizwald56 on Nov 15, 2011 8:08:19 GMT
There already is.......... it's called food.
Anything that grows in nature contains nicotine to some degree. Plants, trees and grasses produce it as an insecticide and protection against disease.
So you could say that a vegetarian consumes more nicotine than a meat eater, albeit on a lower level than a smoker.
But if clinical trials with alzheimers and ADHT are anything to go by then nicotine in itself is not that harmful.
Welcome back nana.
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Post by grizwald56 on Nov 10, 2011 14:42:58 GMT
I use the one in Perpy's link myself and have had no problems with it at all, however as Blakey says the 5v output is shared if you plug anything else into it.
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Post by grizwald56 on Nov 4, 2011 9:48:57 GMT
Happy Birthday Linda.
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Post by grizwald56 on Oct 29, 2011 9:43:23 GMT
Here's hoping you have a really great day.
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Post by grizwald56 on Oct 25, 2011 13:22:45 GMT
Funny thing taste buds, they do seem to be the main problem associated with e-cigs, but going off my own experiences and those of my friends and folk that I've introduced to vaping, I've noticed the following trends that seem to be universal accross most if not all vapers.
When I first started vaping I stopped the anolouges completely and noticed that in the first month my mouth and tongue went through a peeling process. At times my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton wool, also there were days when I could'nt taste anything at all. But I perservered and by week 6 was enjoying all my juices. However there were odd days when my taste buds went south for the day and I could'nt taste anything.
The next thing that became evident was that between 4 to 6 months into vaping you go through another point were you struggle to taste anything, for some this is worse than others, but after many discussions with fellow vapers I found that this can last from a couple of weeks to a couple of months after which time your taste buds fully settle down and you should'nt have any more problems. Most folk find that what juices they enjoyed at the begining of their vaping experience, they din't anymore, this was certainly the case for me, especially with quite a lot of my tobacco flavoured juices, I found that I no longer enjoyed them. I still craved something that had a tobacco flavour though, so I went on to develope tobacco juices with that little added extra, 666 and my Golden Burginia just to name a couple. This meant that first thing in the morning and last thing at night I could still get my tobacco fix.
I suppose that smoking for 46 years has lead me to still crave that tobacco taste. Some folk tend to move away fron tobacco's completely and only vape the sweet juices.
Now having said all this I still do get days when my taste buds are not firing on all cylinders, thankfully as I mix my own juices I can always find something that I can taste.
So what are the causes of this?
Tiredness, spicy foods and sauces, burning your mouth on hot food, mouth ulcers, certain beverages and medicines i.e. cough medicines, just to name a few.
I do now pre-ward folk that I introduce to vaping about these issues so they can then themselves identify what things affect them and take steps to avoid anything that may hinder their taste buds. We are of course all different and what may affect me, may not affect you, it's all trial and error.
What is worth thinking about is the fact that when you smoked anologues, you bought your chosen brand of fags, or baccy, and just got on with it, and you were never aware of days when you could'nt taste your fags, your brain was only registering the fact that you'd had a fag and told you everything was fine, until you needed your next fag.
However, things change considerably when you switch to e-cigs as now the brain has an extra factor to take into account.....
.....So not only is the brain telling you when you need your next nic fix, but it also registers the flavour of your juice which now becomes more pronounced and is an important factor when vaping.
I have found that my taste buds do change throughout the day. First thing in the morning, especially after brushing my teeth, I don't taste my juices very well for the first hour, this improves as the day goes on. For me the best time for enjoying juices is from mid-afternoon to going to bed at night, so I leave testing any juices until these times.
Finally as I said, I was a smoker for 46 years and that has taken it's toll on my taste buds so I have to direct inhale my vapour to taste my juices. This I've found to be the same for other folk who have smoked for many years and they do it the same way as I do to get the best from their vaping experience.
Also bear in mind that the atty/carto you use can affect your juices too, as can voltage. It's a good thing we now have VV devices that can compensate for this to a point.
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Post by grizwald56 on Oct 23, 2011 15:46:37 GMT
I was expecting a lot more piccies myself.
It certainly was a great time wasn't it River?
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Post by grizwald56 on Oct 23, 2011 15:38:18 GMT
I certainly would like to say a big thank you as I had a really great day. It was so nice to put faces to folk off the various forums that I have had many conversations with. I have never in my life been to a more friendly gathering and am certainly looking forward to next years do.
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Post by grizwald56 on Oct 22, 2011 5:15:38 GMT
Have a great day