They obviously don't know their arse from their elbow!
Exactly why I switched off 1 minute later .... that program editor deserves to be sacked.
I don't watch tv and now I know why.
I watched this programme expecting it to be a bit of an explanation of what an e-cig is.
Yes I expected it to state that no-one can say it is safe - because that is the truth ( if not- we have not been informed )
However I also expected it to state that it is an healthier , safer alternative to smoking, cheaper and effective.
Due to the fact that I am a vaper, I knew certain things were wrong or were been reported in a negative way when they could have been reported in a neutral way.
Overall I think it has made it look bad.
Firstly the picture above, how on earth did the programme get passed the editing stage ??
I wonder how many vapers missed the next 5 mins of dialogue because they were screaming at the telly?
I know it doesn't matter to non-vapers as they wouldn't know , but it matters to vapers.
How can you expect truthfull facts from a programme when it starts showing a picture with the parts labelled wrong??
Then you have to think about what people may remember from the programme.
Well this is what I remember.
A man from I believe Cancer research stated that it is an healthier alternative to smoking - thats fantastic to hear that from him.
There was however no further discussion, like they were hoping his comments would fade away in the viewers minds.
The other main things I remember are toxins, how many times was the word toxin used??? I don't know but it was either a few or used in such a way to make it stand out.
What toxins?? Oh they didn't say.
They did not list e-liquid ingredients , let alone try to describe any they just said toxins.
The next thing and I belive it will be the one main thing people remember especially those thinking of switching , was the story of the lady whose husband died.
I don't think it was fair on her to let her go on national tv, blaming perhaps the oils in e-liquid for her husbands death.
There is no oil in e-liquid.
If there was in his for whatever reason then fair enough but no-one will ever know that, and it is not the norm.
I should imagine today across the internet etc people are saying how stupid she is.
She is not stupid -she is a young widow, who knows nothing about e-cigs and wants an explanation for how her husband died.
The show should not have let her broadcast to the nation her thoughts on the oils, that was unfair on her.
Also they mentioned that trials had been done - they made this sound bad because not many, but if trials have been done where are the results and what are the results?
The shop with the poster up, well ok he shouldn't be making claims, but all he is really doing is listing the health benefits of giving up smoking.
NRT products and the nhs show you those posters- within the first 24 hours, within 48 hours etc we have all seen them.
I didn't see his poster close up, but I should imagine it was a similar thing.
If his poster is wrong then so are theirs, because it is based on stopping smoking - not starting vaping.
He was also pulled to pieces on how many people over how long had he based this on.
Well I think alot of you guys on here would have given a much better answer, but thousands reporting it on internet forums for a start.