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Post by baron on May 20, 2014 21:04:03 GMT
Little rant time about these reports. What annoys me about the reports is that the picture is usually of those (to me) crappy e-cig lookalikes. At least the pic. on the BBC site had the much better battery and CE4/5 type of 'tank' which I think is more representative of normal use. They never seem to point out that e-juices can be had with ZERO nicotine, so not everyone uses liquids with nicotine in them. Then there are the ingredients where it hardly seems to point out that there usually about 4 items or 3 if nicotine free. When in Boots Chemist I had a look at the NHS type of aids to stop smoking. There is chewing gum. Lozenges. Mouth sprays. Nasal sprays. Patches. Tablets. Ok, most these you only use a little of each day, but I think are expensive especially if a few are bought, but still expensive on their own. I believe they are not for long time use, but blinking expensive if they don't work. I looked at the ingredients of the Mouth Spray, for example I think there were about 15-16 ingredients two of which are Propolyene Glycol and Glycerol which I think are used in e-juices ? I didn't check properly the rest of the products but some also had long lists of ingredients but I think the main ingredient is nicotine. This may be a bit of a ramble but it is more difficult using my Nexus 7 tablet.......that's my excuse. Anyway I think these stories are mostly full of propaganda and misinformation, but at least the reports mentioned here are a little more favourable. Finished !!!
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Post by baron on May 20, 2014 19:56:50 GMT
I agree with your sentiments regarding buying stuff. I also cannot come out of Myepack without ordering something off my "wish list". I checked what I have spent with them since about the 23rd of April which is about £129 to date. When I received my VTR2 (from China though) and got raised eyebrows from the wife, I calmed her down by explaining .....OK, it was £52, but, but, that was about the amount I would have spent on fags and roll-ups in a week, and this will last me for ages. I got away with that... I have spent about £160 on kit, spares and liquids since December 2013, but now I have the MVP2 (from Myepack) and VTR2, enough 'tanks' (as I call them) to have different ones to choose from. The only duplicated tank is the Aspire Nautilus, as I liked the first one so much I had to buy another one plus a spare glass tube just in case....but so far the spare tube is still in it's box. I can now concentrate on collecting liquids that I like, and quite a few in my stock that I don't really like much, which are plain fruit flavours. But that's just experimentation. My costs will come down once I get down to repeat orders and a few new flavours to try out. Which to me justifies the initial set up costs of buying kit and juices, and then lower ongoing costs in the future. Since I was spending some £200 plus a month on fags and tobacco, I have made huge savings by switching to e-cig devices and juices.
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Post by baron on May 20, 2014 6:14:57 GMT
Thanks for the tip on flavours. I shall get some next time I order some liquids.
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Post by baron on May 19, 2014 18:33:32 GMT
For me I used to spend about £220-240 or so per month on ciggies and roll-ups mostly for me and some for the wife. Since I stopped smoking on 23rd Dec 2013 over the past 5 months I guess I have spent about £150 or so, which averages out at about £30/month, so a fair old saving. My last large purchase (a couple of weeks after my MVP2) I spent £52.60 (direct from China) on the VTR2, and the wife just stared at me and said "Why ?" I told her that really it was the cost of a weeks ciggies and tobacco, and I would have the use of it hopefully for a few years, whereas with the ciggies all I would have is a bin full of dog-ends. She agrees and understands (well I think so) but is still giving me funny looks, when I am happily puffing away on it....
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Post by baron on May 19, 2014 18:13:35 GMT
Thanks DiscoDes. Thanks for the hint on the Red Astaire. At first I thought it was a tobacco flavour, and I was wrong, it sounds rather nice, but currently out of stock. I have put the link into my 'juices' folder for consideration next time I buy some. I have spent my £20ish this week on some repeat juices, plus some new ones to try out, which may or may not be here tomorrow. As for that mod, I have seen it advertised in a couple of places in China, but I would have to hunt down some review videos to see whether it gets my 'shinyitis' juices flowing. I am not sure I want to progress into mech mods, and am still dithering about a tubular mod, like the Sigelie 20W, ZMAX or perhaps the Vamo v5, but I am in no rush now as I am quite happy with my MVP2 and VTR 2. I can get a Vamo v5 in a very colourful paint job for £33.00 delivered from China in about 7 days, from the site I got my VTR2 from. As you say, I already have a 2 bay Nitecore charger and 4 x 18650 batteries, so I would only need the actual tube mod and that's it. Decisions....decisions... I am trying to throttle back a bit in the more expensive kit in case my overdraft catches fire, as I have forked out a bit too much of the kids (well grown ups) inheritance just lately, and they are beginning to whisper in dark corners about me. I don't think I will be buying any more 'tanks', as I have selection of 2 x Aspire Nautili, Aspire ET-S BDC (Evod type), iClear X.I, iClear 30 and 30S, plus some JanWin King Tanks and a few bog standard CE4/5 type bottom coil jobbies that I use for testing out new flavours to see if I like them. So hopefully the lust of new shiny toys will wear off (probably temporarily) so that I can just be buying repeats and new flavours to try from various sites I have yet to buy from. That will cut the costs down, and hopefully the little bloke with pointy horns on his head that keeps poking me with a sharp stick, will stop trying to spend my rent and food money.... Oh, where were you abroad....on business or holiday ? Yep, being an old git I am damn nosey.
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Post by baron on May 19, 2014 11:46:41 GMT
Ahhhh, kensitas, oh the memories flooding back, that was my first ciggie too, bought as a single from the local Menzies, lol, although looking back, wish I'd never started, ffs, welcome to the forum !! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Hi, I'm new but I thought I'd share an interesting fact with you. Back in the days when cigarette advertising was allowed on TV my mum used to 'star' in the Kensitas adverts. Wow, that is interesting, as they say on Qi Back then just about everyone smoked their heads off, as it was the normal thing to do in cinemas, public transport, pubs, restaurants etc., although I never smoked in shops. Now it is frowned upon by all and sundry, and seems to be a worse offence than someone filling themselves up with illegal drugs. I would have liked to have seen anti-smoking zealots in WWI or WWII, whilst the troops were trying to knock seven bells out of Jerry, with them doing the same to our chaps, and some bright spark shouting........'Put that fag out, it is dangerous to your health !' whilst ducking from bullets, shells and bombs..... I only gave up for financial reasons since the costs were getting exhorbitant thanks to the tax man, as I really liked smoking my ciggies/rollups. But the transition from tobacco to e-juices etc. was instant for me, and I haven't looked back. But if out and about in Town and someone walks past smoking a ciggie, and I get a whiff, I have a quick sniff and enjoy it, but do not make headway to the nearest cigarette counter to buy some.
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Post by baron on May 19, 2014 11:26:14 GMT
Ah, not just me then....
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Post by baron on May 18, 2014 16:12:30 GMT
Thanks again for all the welcome posts. Sometimes on joining a Forum, I never get a message as everyone just carries on chatting amongst themselves, leaving all alone in a dark corner looking in....
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Post by baron on May 17, 2014 18:40:54 GMT
I must admit I rather fancy the Supreme, as this new design seems to have ironed out all the complaints about the last one. Why ? Because it is new and shiny, big oled screen with lots of info, and can be plugged into the PC to update its software. That sort of things appeals to me.
However, the price does not, but, people pay out lots more for a Provari, so it seems not that uncommon to spend that sort of money.
I have seen it advertised on for 136 Euros, so I suppose the prices will settle down a bit once it starts to appear on many Vendors sites.
However, trying to bring myself down to Earth, as I have two box Mods now, I quite fancy a tubular one, and I am leaning towards the Sigelie 20W.
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Post by baron on May 17, 2014 18:21:16 GMT
The cost of a decent ultrasound jobbie seems quite expensive. With that sort of money I could buy say a Vamo v5 or something, or continue my (expensive) quest to find a selection of liquids that I can vape half/all day. I am getting there, but my quest continues. So I just make do with cold or warm water, pipe cleaners, and some dried out baby wipes, as I think they are stronger than paper towels, plus I get a fairly long life out of them. Then just leave separated tank parts to dry for a few hours or over night. I don't seem to have any problems so far with my ham fisted way of doing things.
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Post by baron on May 17, 2014 18:14:55 GMT
A welcome from another newcomer to the Forum. A good place for advice, information and tips, either by asking questions or having a read of the various threads and sections. Works for me.
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Post by baron on May 14, 2014 11:23:15 GMT
It is also worth bearing in mind that when FT were first selling the VTR they were in the region of 40% less than available anywhere else. It`s competition that keeps prices reasonable. Without that competition the prices in the UK would be a lot more. The world`s shop window is now the internet and that`s what venders have to compete with, wherever they are situated. It is also probably one of the few high growth areas in the retail economy so there is plenty to go round. There are loads of new start ups in the vaping market all the time. I dont feel any guilt when buying from China or any other country. If they want my money they have to be competitive. I agree, and with my first purchase from China (I was looking for a good price on the VTR at the time) I got one slightly cheaper than here, the real product and a delivery time of around 6 days which I thought was pretty darn good. I would now buy from them in the future if something is reasonably cheaper than here, but their range of products is a bit limited, and no where near like FT. I see it as no difference from searching all the stores in the UK for a good price, than trying out a seller in China, (after all, they source their products from China too) especially as I have found one that is a good seller.
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Post by baron on May 14, 2014 11:18:36 GMT
The vtr is only about 57 on ukecigstore with discount code So cheaper than my epack and for the sake of not trusting china my choice I had the same worry about buying from China, but I was assured that it was a true Innokin product as they are an agent for them. Sure enough it is the genuine article and the V2 as well. The £7-8 I saved on the VTR I used towards are pair of Efest 18650 batteries from Myepack, so I am not a total traitor.....
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Post by baron on May 14, 2014 11:13:16 GMT
I too fancy the iTaste vv vw v.3.0 in preference to buying a Spinner/Twist type battery, as Myepack sells the basic kit for about the same price, with the advantage of being able to adjust the watts as well as volts.
I would use my Aspire ET-S BDC tank (blue) which is exactly the same in looks as the EVOD, but in my experience works better, and think it would like nice.
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Post by baron on May 14, 2014 11:08:44 GMT
Which is why I like the Nautilus which gives 4 options to play with to try different vapes, and IMO is a superior design to the Aerotank. I do not own the Aerotank, so I have only formed my opinion from watching zillions of reviews of the Aerotank. I don't fancy buying one in case it proves to be a disappointment to me and a bit of a waste of money. It believe that these tanks with adjustable airflow controls makes for a better vaping experience, and look forward when perhaps more are on the market with this feature, and different ways of implementing it. I have ordered an airflow adapter that is usually added to Kanger tanks, but being a 510 connection it can be used on any tank. I bought it mainly as a protector for the 510 threads on my Mods, and, to add an airflow control to those other tanks I have, like the iClear X.1, 30 and 30S, just to see if it makes a bit of difference.